Workshops on Belly Dance


A new feature of the Zehara School is the introduction of various specialty belly dance workshops. We intend holding these regularly and focusing on the development of our own style of dance. In addition Zehara runs workshops organised by other people either on their own or as part of a larger event. So watch this space for quality workshops on belly dance! Ring 0161 487 4134  PS Please see the completely unedited and full survey results of a belly dance workshop done by Zehara in 2006 below this table.  


17th Oct' 08

G Mex Festival of Mind, Body and Spirit

PICTURES of event

Picture of Belly Dance workshop at GMex  - Manchester

15th Nov' 08

Tribe Vibe  Aylesbury bucks 

28th Nov' 08

Carol Howard (Nov 08)

25th Jan' 09

Dawn Marie Wedlock

26th April 09

Health & Healing Festival in York 

17th May 09

Festival of Mind, Body and Spirit (London)

12th July 09

Health & Healing Festival in Leeds

Feedback on  SoPen Workshop with Zehara:  16 Forms completed. (All attendees completed forms)

 Teaching:  13 said  “Excellent”;  2 said  “Very good” ;  1 said “Good”

 Workshop Overall:   16 said “Excellent”

 *Venue:  2 said “Excellent” ; 6 said “very good”;  4 said “Good”;  3 said “OK”; 1 said “poor”

 * Of these, 3 ratings were qualified by comments about the state of the floor:

1 “Excellent”; 2 V.good and 1 “ Poor”  mentioned  “very dirty floor”; the “Poor” also noting the presence of broken glass.

 What did you like most about the workshop?

 “All very good”


“Learning to use the whole body”

“Different style”

“Learning “new”combinations”


“Exciting and fun - easy to learn”

“All of it”

“Energetic, fun, a teacher with originality and style”

“The energy, new ideas for fluidity of movement; clear instruction and demonstration”


“The energy”

“Good – friendly – great atmosphere”

 What did you like least?

 “Nothing” x 6 similar responses

“Floor needed a wash”

“Lack of mirrors”

“My sore knee”

“The venue”

“Dirty floor” x 2 responses

“Slivers of glass on the floor and it was very dirty”

 What would you have liked to spend more time on?

 “All aspects were covered”

“Timings right for moves/choreography”


“Good balance; I would like to repeat same workshop again”

“Everything covered and explained well”

“It seemed about right to me, enjoyed it all: music, moves and costumes. Very inspirational”

“How to move my body”

“Good balance”

“Nothing in particular”

 What would you have liked to spend less time on?

 “A good, varied schedule”

“Timings right for moves/choreography”

“Good balance”

“Nothing – could have done with more”

 In a workshop, do you prefer to (a) concentrate on technique (b) Learn a choreography  (c) Do both ?

 “Technique” 1 response, qualified by comment: “I like to make my own choreography”

 “Do both”  -  13 responses. 1 of which qualified by comment: “In this workshop, because the “group” element is important.  In ordinary Arabic workshops I like to do technique, not choreography” and another “50% technique; 50% choreography”.

 General Comments:

 “Thank you for the sign, very helpful”

“Thank you for organising this workshop & for providing refreshments.  So pleased Zehara came over here for us”

“”Great workshop – loved it.  The floor unfortunately was very dirty! Perhaps a smart a—e could remember to bring some wet-wipes!!”

“Thank you for refreshments – much appreciated”

“More on costume from Nikki please”

“Another tribal workshop please”





