

Tribal Belly Dance at the Heywood Carnival - Sept 04

After nearly a month of torrential rain the sun really came out on this one! Huge crowds and an amazing carnival atmosphere. On the parade fast forward moving moves had to be specifically worked out along with impromptu improvised sequences when the parade would come to a halt. A tough challenge to work out something where the group would move forward at times at a jogging pace but to be effective everyone would have to move exactly together as a tight and neat formation, not just walking along but actually dancing. An eclectic mix of driving cross over belly dance and Samba from a portable PA in a large vehicle in front (At Thetford we had a live Samba band) created a really lovely Carnival feel to the whole thing. With huge crowds all along the way the 2 mile dance was little effort to our tough lot. 





Tribal Belly Dance by the Urban Gypsies 
